1.) What is not a flavor of Girl Scout cookies?
Samoas (turn right)
Thin mints (turn left)
Classic white chocolate (turn left)
1.) What is not a flavor of Girl Scout cookies?
Samoas (turn right)
Thin mints (turn left)
Classic white chocolate (turn left)
2.) When is National Girl Scout Leaders day?
October 12 (turn right)
May 10 (turn left)
January 30 (turn right)
April 22 (turn left)
3.) Which is not a line in the Girl Scout Promise?
to be cheerful and courteous (turn left)
to live the Girl Scout Law (turn right)
to serve God and my Country (turn right)
4.) What percentage of women in congress have been Girl Scouts?
one quarter (turn left)
two thirds (turn right)
one half (turn left)
5.) Juliette “_____” Gordon Low was the founder of the girl scouts.
Daisy (turn right)
Lily (turn left)
Rose (turn left)
6.) Thin Mints make up what percent of the Girl Scout cookies sold?
40 (turn left)
15 (turn left)
25 (turn right)
7.) Who decides what to do with the proceeds from cookie sales?
troop leaders (turn right)
the girls (turn left)
national leaders (turn left)
8.) How many women today are Girl Scout alumnae?
6o million (turn left)
4 million (turn right)
25 million (turn right)
9.) Where is the birthplace of the Girl Scouts?
Chicago, IL (turn left)
New York, NY (turn left)
Savannah, GA (turn right)
10.) What percent of people working with the Girl Scouts are volunteers?
99 (turn left)
50 (turn right)
0 (turn right)