1.) How many calories does it take to create one pound of fat?
1500 (turn right)
2200 (turn left)
3500 (turn left)
1.) How many calories does it take to create one pound of fat?
1500 (turn right)
2200 (turn left)
3500 (turn left)
2.) Which is the only type of exercise that requires you to hold your breath in order to accomplish the exercise?
jump roping (turn left)
running (turn right)
swimming underwater (turn left)
3.) Which food group is the body’s main source of energy?
fat (turn left)
dairy (turn right)
carbohydrates (turn right)
4.) Which of these food types has the most calories per serving?
protein/dairy (turn left)
fats (turn right)
5.) What is endurance?
ability to run faster (turn right)
ability to exercise for longer periods of time (turn left)
a combination of strength and power (turn left)
6.) Which sport burns the most calories per hour?
soccer (turn left)
baseball (turn left)
golf (turn right)
7.) How many minutes per day should you exercise?
15+ (turn right)
30+ (turn left)
8.) Which of these is added to the food label because people sometimes don’t eat enough of this?
calcium (turn left)
sodium (turn right)
fat (turn right)
9.) Citrus fruits are an excellent source of what?
Vitamin B (turn left)
Calcium (turn left)
Vitamin C (turn right)
10.) A desirable level of fitness can be achieved through at least how may workouts per week?
3 (turn left)
1 (turn right)
5 (turn right)