1.) Face the passport sign, turn 90 degrees clockwise, then 180 degrees counterclockwise, then 360 degrees clockwise. Go the direction you are facing.
Interactive Passport
2.) Sing the chorus of “Jingle Bells” and find out what the 19th word is:
fun (turn right)
jingle (turn left)
sleigh (turn right)
horse (turn left)
3.) Sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm” and determine how many times you sing the phrase E-I-E-I-O during one verse.
3 (turn left)
2 (turn right)
1 (turn right)
4.) Get in a line and do the bunny hop. What is the last series of steps before starting over again?
One hop backward (turn left)
Three hops forward (turn right)
Kick to the right (turn left)
5.) Recite the first 10 words of “Happy Birthday,” pointing alternating directions for each word and then go whichever direction you are pointing on the 10th word:
Hint #1: start by pointing to the left
6.) How many letters are in the alphabet? ( If you’re not quite sure… recite it as a group?)
26 (turn right)
34 (turn left)
45 (turn left)
7.) Do “Head, shoulders, knees & toes” as a group and find out what you are pointing to on the 21st word.
toes (turn right)
nose (turn left)
knees (turn left)
8.) Who is the President pictured on the U.S. penny and/or the bird on the Canadian $1 coin?
John Adams/ Swan (turn left)
George Washington/ Parakeet (turn right)
Abraham Lincoln/ Loon (turn left)
9.) Solve our silly riddle: You discard my outside and cook my inside; then, you eat my outside and discard my inside. What am I?
Candy Bar (turn left)
Candy corn (turn left)
Corn on the cob (turn right)
10.) Create your own little chant, cheer, or song about the corn maze.
Hint #1: If you think it’s good… turn left
Hint#2: If you think it’s REALLY good, perform it for us after you exit and get a free treat!